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The Universe Has Control

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By Kerri Williams

the universe has control

Photo: Pixabay

The Universe Has Control

by Kerri Williams

Many years ago, at a very low point in my life, I made a sign and hung it on the wall. It simply said:

Dear Kerri,

The Universe has control.



The Universe

At the time of the making of this sign, this was not meant as a positive thing. It was quite negative. As in, I had no control in my life and no matter what I wanted or what I did, the Universe would continue to screw me over.

That sentiment lasted for about two days. Sometime during day two, as I once again glanced at my little sign, the proverbial light bulb went off over my head and suddenly I was thinking –

Oh, the Universe does have control. It knows what it’s doing. It knows what I need. It knows what I want. It knows what it wants for me.

Yeah, it went something like that. And life, while still up and down, considerably changed. The ups and downs were me, again, trying to control the Universe.

To clarify, it’s like this. For me, it’s called the Universe. For others it may be called God, Spirit, Angels, etc.

The acceptance of letting the Universe control my life really wasn’t that simple. It’s taken me years to fully accept the gifts offered. And as this is a creativity post, I’m going to share my insights on how the Universe has controlled my life around my creativity.

Once I accepted that my art wasn’t perfect, I understood what perfection really meant. It meant continuing to do what I was doing. I had to start somewhere. Over the years I’ve learned that while my creative ventures would never be perfect, they became perfect in my eyes.

Whether this was the ability to continue practicing or whether I took more time to focus on the art, I’m not really sure, but I learned that with patience, the Universe gives back what you put in.

Ideas come when I need them. There were too many times over the years I wanted particular ideas to work, and I would continue to work them until finally giving up. I don’t really think it was all that much a matter of giving up, but more of a matter of accepting the ideas the Universe gave to me.

Sometimes the ideas just weren’t ready for fruition. Other times they simply wasted my time. But it’s often while working on useless ideas, the ideas I needed came to me. Though still, I wait for ideas that just don’t want to manifest. But I’ve learned to wait. I know they’ll come.

the universe has control

Trusting my gut seems to be another form of Universal control. This has come about with both the photography and writing. Living in a world where everyone has an opinion and anyone can knock you down in a second, I would often sit back and contemplate what I should or shouldn’t share with the world.

If I had let my brain take over, there would be no Creative Journey blog, there’d be no online gallery, there’d be no photo submissions. I’d be sitting here with everything in the closet only for me. This became more of an aspect of accepting the gifts the Universe gives and believing in them.

I think my biggest trust with Universal control comes on the business side of all of this. Hey, I’ll be the first to tell you I’m a starving artist (well, not quite starving, I do have a day job). While I have made some money on my art, it’s not paying the bills.

This can be quite frustrating in the long run. When I was doing this art thing full time, I lost Universal control because, for me, the passion died. Once I pulled back the passion, the Universe stepped back in. And while I’m still working a day job, and I may always be working a day job, the Universe has plans, and I’ll sit back and wait for those plans to unfold (see the above paragraph).

While I look at these things on a universal level, they can also be viewed on a practical level in the manner of perspective. So whether you’re right brained or left brained, accepting the talents given to you can open a new path to your creative ventures.

The sign still hangs on my wall, by my desk, just to remind me to stay grounded.


Peace on your journey – Kerri


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