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There’s only one responsibility – Be yourself

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Visuals by Stanka / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić

footprints in sand, responsibility

Photos: Pixabay

There’s only one responsibility – Be yourself

Who wants to stand outside the crowd? Who wants to stand alone? Do you?

Taking responsibility for your own actions, for your own decisions isn’t an easy thing. There’s no back-up plan, no cushioning, you’ll have to take the whole load all by yourself.

You must be crazy to do this; there’s a much easier path than this one. Just do what everybody does, and you are already there – in your safe haven. You don’t have to worry about anything, because others have figured out your whole life for you.

They give you the map, the stepping stones, all you have to do is follow the way. Actually, if you look very precise, you’ll be able to see the end of your life from the position where you are now.

Of course, unexpected things might still happen, but not for you, in particular, but for the people who put your life together. They call that mistakes or collaterals; so don’t worry, if it is in the margin of a statistical error, and for the sake of a healthy ‘bigger picture’ – you might be this error.


Always on duty

The most inconvenient side-effect of taking responsibility is that everything that goes wrong – will be your fault. Who wants that, anyways?

I’d rather sit under a tree, chewing a handful of cashew nuts than take all that responsibility by myself. This accountability has two motions: one is to fulfil some sort of ‘duty’, and the other is to have the ability to respond properly to a given situation.

The ‘duty’ part – I think – you all know too well. As I’ve said it in ‘serving the system‘; we follow all instructions as we are told and after some time, we assimilate them into our being without questioning their accuracy.

Everything that is older than us, everything that has an authority or tradition, is taken ‘as is’. And this very same system gives us this feeling of guilt to enforce all of its guidelines in virtually everything we do.

It has been done for so many generations – how can it be wrong? Now, don’t misinterpret me; I don’t say everything is wrong. Wrong is only the understanding that human tradition is right.

The thing is, we are not like animals who follow only their instinct; we get manipulated very easily, and over the course of just one generation, this ‘alteration’ becomes our new heritage.

Just by looking back at history, you’ll see that people have changed beliefs and facts of life numerous times; this shows that even our current convictions are also only part of an ever changing stream of updated belief systems, which are always manufactured in people’s minds and not by nature. So we better be careful.


Do what I say

Responsibility goes along with this thought; tradition wants you to respond accordingly to its rules. This means – in translation: do as you are told.

The society will of course award you for your ‘efforts’ as long as you stick to the game, but once you start questioning the rules, you’ll be held ‘responsible’ for your actions, which means; you’ll be sanctioned in one way or another.

This is why I think the word responsibility got highjacked. Some really clever people have thought out a system to make you feel guilty if you don’t do what they want you to do. It’s an auto-mechanism. The minute you break it (the rule) – you take it (the punishment).

Of course, most people don’t want that, so they start conforming in every possible way; not because they are bad people, but because their survival instinct tells them to take the ‘easy’ way out – not to get into any trouble.


The holy program

And here we – naturally – arrive at corruption, which materializes as a chemical reaction when tradition and responsibility are put together in one chemistry glass. By tradition, I mean everything that is man-made: the state, the church, political systems, culture, but also things like ‘expected behavior’, and so on.

A tradition is not necessarily a bad thing; it becomes bad when it is enforced upon others against their will and sold under the banner of collective responsibility.

Although it may seem that a heritage is what the majority wants; however, who can sincerely trace back the roots of a certain ‘habit’, and who can be sure to say that it wasn’t enforced by a minority, but sold to the majority as ‘our way of life’?

Babies get born into this world like a blank sheet of paper, and to say that this little being has a nationality or tradition is just ridiculous. The people around it have to program this little creature into ‘existence’ by giving it a name, religion, language, and regional identity.

It has no idea whatsoever what it is going to be when slipping into this world. The child needs several years to fully understand that it is different by race, color, religion, and so on. It has no own understanding of it, in fact; the understanding is being created artificially by its surroundings.

And of course, after some time, the identification kicks in, and the child can be called an integrated member of ‘our’ society. How much choice is there, really?


Please tell me – who am I?

The real choice is to understand what happened to you, and how you are going to dismantle this false identity, which was given to you without your consent. Well, you might argue a bird is a bird, a fish is a fish, and a human is a human – yes a human on this planet with an artificially added identity.

If you were born in nature, you wouldn’t know anything about ‘your country’, ‘your religion’, and other stickers simply because of the lack of information. You do not feel these things naturally as a part of you until you are told to do so.

It is a concept which needs to be installed; it does not exist in nature. This whole thing is designed to distinguish you from other people and cultures, which brings about a friction in your perception of reality. A bird sees different species of birds, but knows exactly whom it belongs to without having a restriction enforced through some belief system.

It acts accordingly to natural laws – and that’s it. And it will definitely not make a fuss over other birds having different colors and shapes. It is fully integrated in this natural society while abiding only in itself.


Slaves to the rhythm

The responsibility I want to talk about is the one for which you can get into trouble. The one which has no or little support, and, which will most likely be your biggest challenge to what you really want to do in your life.

First, we’ll have to find these small little programs which have been installed into us and are spread everywhere around in our being. They are not just in our mental life; they are also in our body, which has memorized all the abuse taken from outside; everything, every disturbance is still there ready to respond accordingly to the same old triggers pulled by society.

Responsibility is the ability to respond to some situation and take full responsibility for whatever the outcome may be. Pretty scary, isn’t it? But it isn’t; this immature, repetitive alignment towards obligations is what makes everything so complicated today.

People are robbed of their true individuality, because of their false identification, and all decisions based on this distorted picture result in an anemic lifestyle of each person, and in a therefore, anemic and disconnected lifestyle of whole societies.

There is nothing natural in this. Birds fly together in these impressive formations without anybody telling them what to do. Is there any chaos or anarchy when you see this? They fly together without ever losing their sense of individuality. It is possible.


birds flying in formation, responsibility



I like the explanation in one dictionary: “the opportunity or ability to act independently and take decisions without authorization”. Pretty strong statement.

Have changes been made by people who were following existing paths? Paths which were cleared by other people? Or are they building a complete new path along as they go? The answer is obvious.

If you want to evolve you have to take chances, otherwise you will be doing what everybody does and looking at this world I’d say: it isn’t the best thing to do. I think this is the main problem.

People still have great trust in authority and leadership; they believe that the tough decisions are made up there somewhere where they don’t belong. They forget that no one is going to take care of your individual life except you yourself.

If you think what the majority wants you to think, if you eat what the majority wants you to eat, if you behave as the majority wants you to behave – you do what others want you to do. But if you want to check on those things, examine their validity and accuracy; you’ll have to step outside the system to see for what it really is.

If you take the “the opportunity or ability to act independently and take decisions without authorization”, then you are automatically doing something against all authorities in your life – it can’t be otherwise – the definition says it. It means you have to take a risk, and not many people want to do that.


Breaking it down

As you can see, those two types of responsibility have nothing in common but the word itself. I’d even call it a false flag word, because it has the ability to manipulate us into a false belief.

Examples: Be responsible, and defend democracy in foreign, unpronounceable lands. Be responsible, and go shopping. Be responsible, and die for your country. Be responsible, and read the instructions.

Be responsible, and watch the news on television. Be responsible, and spy on your neighbor. Be responsible, and take thy medicine. Be responsible, and let us vaccinate your kids. Be responsible, and work 70 hours a week.

Be responsible, and take a pay cut. Be responsible, and sell us your house to lease it back from us. Be responsible, and buy a new car. Be responsible, and help us to grow indefinitely.

Where are you in all of this? What do you want? How do you respond to all of this? Do you matter at all? Does your health, your kids, your aspiration matter to anyone?

The truth is, this responsibility will not make you happy – ever.

It is the other kind of responsibility, the one that wants you to be like nature – flexible and ‘responsive’, equipped with a deep trust in your inner guidance, which knows exactly what is right and what is wrong, which has no fear, which knows how to fly in formation, which knows what to think, what to eat, how to behave – and how to respond in every situation.

Be yourself. Always.


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