Money creation – The American Dream
Video / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić
Photo: Screenshot from ‘The American Dream’Money creation explained
The American Dream is a 2011 animated film produced and written by Tad Lumpkin and Harold Uhl. They give you a quick insight into the world of money creation.
Only few people really know how money is being created and distributed; and only few people know who controls this process. Money is always present in our lives; yet, we have no idea where it is coming from.
I believe if you’d ask anybody about this, almost nobody could answer it. Probably, they’d say that it comes “from the government”, or similar. However, nobody would know for sure.
This film serves, of course, as a very simplified explanation, but it definitely helps you understand the basics of the money-creating system, which – surprise, surprise – was never really taught to us in school.
The secret of money creation
I think this is the central point of this whole topic. We learn all sorts of insignificant things in school; many times completely outdated and just useless, but we don’t know the essential functioning of our economy. It’s relatively easy to conclude that this knowledge has been secret because of obvious reasons.
Well, I won’t tell you any more; you’ll have to find it out in the video yourself. The content of this film has been criticized by someone at ‘Rational Wiki’ in these words:
“At first glance, the movie seems to explain rather accurately what concepts such as money and debt mean, while being complete arse at explaining how the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking work. At around half way through the film however, it deteriorates into a vast conspiracy theory, claiming, among other things, that the Rothschild family (called “Red-Shields” in the film) are controlling the Federal Reserve and that they were responsible for the Assassination of JFK.”
The story of money creation is – of course – a conspiracy theory
What I would like to add to this is: typical – if anything is said against the official story, in any way – it is considered a conspiracy theory. A perfect way to keep people in complete ignorance with the only mantra there is: Don’t worry folks – it is a conspiracy theory, a conspiracy theory, a conspiracy theory, a conspiracy theory, a conspiracy theory……………………you have to believe us!
From the author:
The American Dream takes an entertaining but hard-hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America [and in the world] today.
Credits go to the authors of the film. Visit their website at: