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Mental health: Sell your crap, pay your debt.

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Video / Visuals by Stanka / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić

quote on debt, freedom from possessions, debt trap

All photos: Screenshots

What does freedom mean to you? Adam Baker is asking the right question at the right time; his talk is a perfect example for conscious, awakened living; uncovering the trap of the never-ending cravings for material possessions (crap, as he calls it).

debt trap, freedom of debt, stepping out of debt cycle, debt slaveryI think most people agree on this, but they have little understanding that they are in this trap too! Buying stuff which we cannot afford is slavery to banks and corporations; the satisfaction we get from buying all this crap is too short and disproportionate to the price we pay.

This talk naturally picks up where I left off in my recent article Totally indebted, where I explain how banks function, and why it is so easy for them to get us into debt indefinitely.


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