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Juice recipe: Apple Carrot Juice

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By Stanka Vukelić

Apple Carrot Juice

 Photo: Stanka Vukelić

Juice recipe: Apple Carrot Juice

Juicing is a quick and easy way to get your daily fruits and vegetables in one sitting. Well, and carrots and apples are ideal choices with their rich nutrient contents to get your body going.

Side effects:

Incorporating fruits and vegetables in your diet supports cardiovascular health, helps prevent some types of cancer, aids in weight management, helps boosting your immune system and detoxifying your liver.

Apples and carrots are great sources of super antioxidants – polyphenol and flavonoids – that are beneficial for your heart’s health. Beta-carotene in carrots makes it a rich source of vitamin A. It also helps improve the immune system.

The abundance of vitamin A in carrot juice can help improve your sight, and the daily intake can prevent the onset of heart diseases and strokes. So, taking one serving of apple–carrot juice every day facilitates the heart to function properly.

Preparation for juicing:

Carrot and apple juice includes washed carrots and cored sweet apples. Do not peel the carrots or apples — many of the nutrients are in the skin, and the juice does not taste different either way.

We drink approx. 64 oz (2 liters) of juice – each 32 oz (1 liter) for one serving. This is part of our lunch: first we drink the juice, and after 1/2 hour, we a eat big, big green salad.

Do not store, or if, then for a really short time (1 day); add some lemon as a preservative. How many apples or carrots you add to the juice is up to your own taste.

Tip: What people heal with an apple-carrot juice


Next week, we’ll tell you what to do with the leftover of juice pulp.


This recipe can be changed to what you like. Add more apples, lower the amount of carrots; what have you.


Juice recipe: Apple Carrot Juice

Preparation time: 20 min.


Ingredients for 2 – 4 people (2 Mason jars):

34oz (1kg of carrots)

17oz (1/2 kg of apples)


Methods/steps –

1. Cut the apples and carrots into smaller pieces.

2. Juice apples and carrots.

3. Serve and enjoy the delicious fruits of mother nature!



If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a blender as well. Blend apples and carrots well. If needed, add some water. Line the strainer with either an opened nut bag or cheese cloth, and place over a bowl. Pour the blended mixture into the strainer. Press out all the juice from the pulp. Squeeze and press with clean hands to extract as much juice as possible.


Extra Info on Carrots –

1. exceptionally rich source of carotenes and vitamin-A

2. help protect from skin, lung and oral cavity cancers

3. powerful natural anti-oxidant helps protect body from harmful oxygen-free radical injury

4. may help fight against cancers by destroying pre-cancerous cells

5. good in vitamin C

6. especially rich in many B-complex groups

7. compose healthy levels of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus

8. may provide you with protection against heart disease and stroke

9. helping you to build strong bones and a healthy nervous system

10. beta-carotene may restore vision

11. may offer memory improvement and cholesterol-lowering benefits

12. has anti-inflammatory properties

13. very good blood sugar regulator


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  1. Thanks for sharing this 🙂

  2. This apple carrot juice recipe is really amazing. I love this recipe and want to cook this. Thanks for sharing such an awesome recipe.

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