An Introduction to Permaculture
Photo: Pixabay
An Introduction to Permaculture
Staff Writer Waking Times
“How can we maximize hammock time?” – Bill Mollison, author of Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual
Permaculture affects every part of your life, from how you design your room, to how you design your life. It encompasses how people are able to get along and make living decisions that make sense for the long term.
This interview with Stephen Brooks, director of the Punta Mona center for sustainable living and education, offers some background and concise explanation of what is permaculture.
The full 7-part documentary, which offers examples of permaculture projects in the vibrant country of Costa Rica, can be seen here:
In the following video, Stephen Brooks gives the TEDxSanMigueldeAllende Talk, “The Pursuit of Sustainable Dreams: Permacuture & Quality of Life.” Hear Stephen’s inspiring words and examples on how we can live in harmony with the nature that surrounds us.
Stephen Brooks will be offering an Intro to Permaculture workshop at Envision transformational festival February 27-March 3 in Costa Rica.
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