FREE EBOOK: “This Book Has Everything Anyone Needs To Know To ‘Wake Up’ And Flip The Paradigm!”
FREE EBOOK: “This Book Has Everything Anyone Needs To Know To ‘Wake Up’ And Flip The Paradigm!”
When we take an observer perspective, we do not look at the world and think to ourselves “that’s just the way it is.” We instead ask, “why is it this way?” This is the approach taken throughout this book. It depicts in an easy-to-read, clear and simple way, the most basic concepts that make up our human society all while examining whether or not we can do things differently. In the final chapters, dots are connected between mind-bending scientific discoveries which altogether shed light on our true nature and purpose on this planet. If you want to understand why our human society is the way it is, if you want to know what other possibilities exist outside of our current system and if you often wonder about who we are and what we are here for – yet are not satisfied with conventional belief systems – you might enjoy the perspectives shared in this book. Its aim is to assist humanity in seeing the world with a fresh pair of eyes, which will greatly help open our minds enough to create meaningful change in our world.
“Amazing and eye-opening book. The fact that it is written in a clear and simple way makes such a complex topic comprehensible for everyone. I loved the pictures too!” – Evelyn Accoto