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Could This be the First News Channel Run by Teens?

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Heather Callaghan, Contributor / Waking Times

News Channel Run by Teens


Could This be the First News Channel Run by Teens?

Heather Callaghan, Contributor
Waking Times

Politics affects everyone, so everyone deserves a voice; especially the youth…

It seems like everywhere I go online, I am met with the diligence of Andrew Demeter. I wrote about his award-winning mini-documentary “We The People, Genetically Modified.” Expertly produced, it encompassed a lot of information for a short video and was the perfect crash course to share the issue with friends. And yes, Andrew Demeter is the one who confronted Nancy Pelosi on the NSA. He talks about it afterward, here.

When he is not busy developing independent journalism out of Cleveland, OH, he is running his YouTube channel, TeenTake. Or accepting scholarships for the Mises Institute or reading invitations to give a TED Talk. Now he is asking for support to produce the very first news channel run entirely by teens, called Politicast.

Oh yeah, and he’s only 16…

As Demeter, says of his upcoming teen-run station, it would highlight “reporters, not repeaters.”

Given his diligence and background, he’s got what it takes to produce news and bring other teenson board. Now he would like to step it up with a news studio, and anyone who is interested can help him with his IndieGoGo fundraiser.

Demeter writes:

My work sheds light upon those topics the mainstream, corporate media simply won’t touch: Bitcoin, homeschooling, false-flag terrorism, police brutality, indefinite detention, the Federal Reserve, and even media itself. It has been featured in the world’s top news outlets, including YahooFox NewsC-SPANThe Blaze,InfoWars,Washington Times, and RT. Additionally, I’ve appeared on local radio and television.

In these interviews (and others) I have extensively discussed the implications of the proverb ‘if you don’t take an interest in politics, they’ll take an interest in you’. Put simply, if we’re inattentive to politics — thus, the world around us — we don’t care about our future; it’s somebody else’s responsibility. Let’s change that attitude of indifference.

As always with fundraisers like this, you can receive fun prizes in return for a donation. Four people have claimed the gift of receiving a two-minute rant from Demeter on any subject they choose. It comes with the previous gifts attached to lower-amount donations. The difficulty would be in choosing just one rant.

Check out his IndieGogo here.



About the Author

Heather Callaghan is a natural health blogger and food freedom activist. You can see her work at and Like at Facebook.

**Please visit Activist Post, where this article originally appeared.**


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