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Endings…New Beginnings

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By Kerri Williams

New Beginnings

 Photo: Pixabay

Endings…New Beginnings

by Kerri Williams

While your creative journey will never end (at least we hope not), you will experience endings throughout your journey. You’ll reach a certain stage of comfort, a point when doubts and fears subside. You’ll realize that you no longer procrastinate. You’ll work rather than wait for inspiration. You’ll except failures and move on.

Many endings. Many good endings.

But with every ending, there come new beginnings. New challenges.

Every creative will face their own unique set of new beginnings.

You might be ready to share your work with the world through public outlets. You might be ready to start selling your work. Maybe you’re moving into a new area of your art form and you’re debating the jump. Maybe you’ve had an artistic style change and you’re not sure how your followers will react.

As I said, every beginning is unique. So it becomes a matter of how you handle this new beginning. Sometimes we move back into the old journey and open up the fears and doubts. Sometimes we’re so excited about the new step into the forest that we go head in following our instincts.

There are some steps to help you cross the bridge:

  • Remember, you conquered your fears when you started this journey. You can conquer your fears the same way as you move toward another phase of the journey.
  • Embrace the moment and let it become part of you. Your advancement in your journey is simply an extension of what you’ve already been doing.
  • Listen to your gut. Now that you’re moving on, you know what was right or wrong from past experience and your continued trust in yourself will move you forward.
  • Understand your time management. New beginnings in any journey can open up more ideas than you ever hoped. Make a plan to lock down and implement those ideas.
  • Love the work, no matter what changes are taking place. If you don’t love the work, chances are that you’ve turned right instead of left. Know how to get back on the path.

New BeginningsDon’t let the new beginning stop the work. Often, new beginnings can be overwhelming and a bit chaotic. Take time to meditate and reflect on paths that have opened in your journey.

A new beginning is not an ending to what you’ve been doing. It’s an easement. But don’t be afraid to end the cycle that started the journey. We all advance. We all move along different paths. We all face difficulties on these new paths as we learn to familiarize ourselves with new surroundings.

You’ll know when the journey changes. You’ll know end of one path that leads to another. Never fear the open path. You’ll be amazed at what you find.

Are you facing endings and new beginnings? It’s growth.


Peace on your journey – Kerri


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