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Deformities in livestock that are fed with GMOs

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Deformities in livestock that are fed with GMOs and why the public is being kept in dark about the real dangers of Roundup

Most of our meat and dairy is produced from livestock that are fed with different  GMO crops. More and more studies and reports show that animals that are fed  with GM crops suffer from many health problems, birth defects and deformities.

According to, Pedersen who is a Danish pig farmer reports that his livestock that were fed on  GMO soya (sprayed with Roundup) suffered from severe health problems like  diarrhea, stomach ulcers, bloating, deformities and abnormal growth.

Pedersen  supplies the Europe’s largest pork company called Danish Crown and produces  about 13,000 pigs a year. So after his livestock became so sick, Pedersen decided  to switch the diet of his livestock to non-GMO.

“When using GM feed I saw symptoms of bloat, stomach ulcers, high  rates of diarrhea, pigs born with the deformities … but when I switched [to  non GM feed] these problems went away, some within a matter of days” says Pedersen.  He also says how switching to a non-GMO  diet has made him more profitable since he uses less medicine and has more productivity  because fewer pigs die or are deformed.

The photos of  animals who are fed with GMOs in Pedersen‘s farm portrays piglets with spinal deformities or  pigs with visible problems on their faces, limbs and tails. Even you could see  a picture of a siamese twin (two animals joined at the head).  Pedersen believes that presence of Glyphosate in the herbicide (routinely sprayed on GM crops) is responsible for all these  abnormalities and other birth defects on livestock.  READ MORE


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