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Visuals by Stanka / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić

people captured, system, credentials, doctors

Photo: Pixabay

Only people with credentials are allowed to speak upon any subject. We have created this. If you don’t have credentials and references, you are dismissed. No proof will be considered because somebody has not got the right background for it.

It means that common sense is eliminated from our reality, and it also means that reality is created by people who have a permission to create it. No one will be taken seriously on any topic by just presenting their observations. They must have scholar-scientific-educational bases, otherwise they will be erased instantly.

Can you believe this? It is the easy way out. To distinguish the truth from a lie, experts come in to resolve it. In that way we have handed over the responsibility for accuracy to a small group of people who can tell right from wrong and to whom the public has complete confidence.This situation absolves the rest of the public of any responsibility of investigating or questioning the conclusions made by these people.

As we have specialists for every occupation, we also have specialists for creating truth. It is stunning how the broader public, intellectuals included, completely believe in any conclusions brought forward by their government, government agencies, scientists and other authorities. They have entirely abandoned their individual right to recapitalize the conclusions that have been made.

graph on lies, institutions, growth

The latest people

If the alpha male or the leading head is running towards the abyss, everybody is following, no questions asked. People are incapable of recognizing that others who are running in front of them, are falling into a void. This, ‘no question-heard’ behavior is so stunning and all occurring that it has left the usual psychological framework.

Thanks to extensive media support, information travels unchecked from small groups of people to huge masses in almost no time. People believe that bigger the institution the more accurate the information is. Doubt is being minimized through bigness. Bigness controls and creates information and provides it to the mass public as verified and secure truth – on any topic.

High-tech has led society to assume an equally evolved psychological evolution, which has by far no grounds at all. The psycho profile has not changed, especially not towards evolutionary heights. The outside world has created an illusionary perception of an equally inward adaption, which never happened. It is the same medieval man or woman with a different haircut and a mobile phone.

The individual has not achieved any significant change. History is being misused by apparently wanting to prevent recurring wars or other failures with a pretty much different reality, where the avoided is practically being seen around the globe, everywhere. The right to simply say that something doesn’t work is completely deprived from the individual and evident mistakes repeated – which obviously favor certain groups of people – in a vicious loop.


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