Knowing Right From Wrong
Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor / Waking Times Knowing Right From Wrong Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times On one level people want simple answers and to be told what to do. On another, they want freedom to choose and make their own decisions. People are multi-level and have the capacity to make their own choices as well as accept direction from others. Discord sets in when the guidance from others or authority does not fit what the individual wants or feels is right for them. In this case, the individual is in conflict and looks for something else. Early Training At a young age, most people are taught a philosophy of ‘right and wrong.’ Aspects of this protective mechanism are projected into daily life and are part of social and religious training. For example if you do...
Read MorePassing Through
By Paul Kowalewski Photo: Pixabay/ Passing Through by Paul Kowalewski Yesterday morning while driving my car, I passed by a dad and his two little boys waiting for the school bus. The boys looked very much like my own boys did back when they first started school, and when I looked at them standing there with their dad, for a moment, I became very nostalgic – even melancholy. My boys are adults now; one of them is married. “Where did the time go?” I thought. Then just as I was about to lapse into reminiscences of those happy days when I was the one waiting with two boys for a school bus, wishing that somehow I might go back in time and stop the clock, I snapped out of it. As I looked at those two boys and...
Read More9 Truths You Should Know by Now
Luminita Saviuc, Purpose Fairy / Waking Times Photo: Pixabay 9 Truths You Should Know by Now Luminita Saviuc, Purpose Fairy Waking Times “In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” ~ Tom Bodett Life has a very interesting way of teaching us many of the many things we need to learn, don’t you think? It seems to me that the more we hold on to this idea of how life should be, how events should unfold, how people should treat us and how happiness should be packaged and delivered to us, the more we suffer. Happiness is nothing more than a balance between holding on and letting go but this is a different story. What I will share with you today are 9 simple yet powerful...
Read MoreA Lively Exchange of Ideas
Visuals by Stanka / Introduction by Alen / Written by Paul Kowalewski Photo: Pixabay How good it is to listen to someone, because only then you might find out something new. Most people are just waiting to respond; they are not really interested in what you have to say. By doing so, they are missing the whole point – which is to have a conversation – an exchange of ideas. A Lively Exchange of Ideas by Paul Kowalewski Several years ago, I had an opportunity to visit Greece, and I spent a few days in the wondrous city of Athens. There was something very special about being in that city. I realized just how much I, as a Westerner, had been influenced by the ideas that emerged out of that ancient Greek culture. In Athens, one place...
Read MoreServing the system – how free are you, really? And who cares about your judgment?
Visuals by Stanka / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić Photo: Pixabay Serving the system – how free are you, really? And who cares about your judgment? by Alen Mischael Vukelić The system teaches us that we are dumb creatures who just don’t get it. Somehow we are always too late, too slow, too uneducated to fulfil the guidelines that are put there in front of us. It teaches us that we are incapable of observing the world in which we live in. All decision making has been eliminated out of our lives; the only decision you can make is to cooperate with the authorities who rule upon every aspect of your life. The old woman is never satisfied with us; she says we can do much better if we work just hard enough……………… Observation is a natural gift...
Read MoreConsciousness explained: Everything in its most basic form is not matter but energy
Video / Introduction by Alen Mischael Vukelić Photo: Pixabay/ Consciousness explained: Everything in its most basic form is not matter but energy More and more scientists agree on what meditators knew all along – everything in its most basic form is connected as one. The superstring theory explains that even to the most grounded of us that the nucleus or the electron are, in fact, just vibrations dancing to the same underlying music. This very inspiring interview with Dr. John Hagelin, a professor of physics, who explains the connection among theories like the M-theory, the unified field theory, and the above mentioned superstring theory, which all point to a deeper and greater understanding of our own consciousness. You don’t have to understand anything about physics to watch this interview, because he will give you a comprehensible answer to...
Read MoreTruth? What is Truth?
Visuals by Stanka / Introduction by Alen Mischael Vukelić / Written by Paul Kowalewski Photo: Pixabay/ Truth is eternal, undividable; it is present in every rock, in every animal – and in you. Truth is not negotiable – if it were there would be no existence of the one supreme which is in all of us. The Tao states: The Tao is older than God. This sentence sounds easier than it is. Read it again, and you will understand that it is not about some local God, or local truth. To understand this ‘truth’ you have to transcend the ordinary state of your consciousness – which has only a limited view of this thing we call truth. The transcended mind knows what the totality knows – because it has returned to its source of oneness with THAT which is...
Read MoreMindless Accumulation
By Paul Kowalewski Photo: Stock.Xchng Mindless Accumulation by Paul Kowalewski Many years ago an elderly couple were members of a parish I served. They were nice, if not eccentric people, who lived in relative poverty- a run-down old house badly in need of repair, always cold in the winter months, a dilapidated old car, their meals were meager at best, all sorts of health issues. After the old man died, his wife was about to move out to a nursing home, and their creaky old house was placed on the market for sale. As relatives went through the old man’s possessions to pack things up for the move, to their amazement, they discovered socks stuffed with money in his dresser drawers, not just a few dollars, but hundreds of thousands of dollars accumulated over the years – all squirreled...
Read MoreReal News – The Importance of Open Source Journalism
Video / Visuals by Stanka / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić Photo: Pixabay/ Real News – The Importance of Open Source Journalism How can a journalist be truly independent? What is the best way to bring you the objective story? Does objectivity exist? How close can you come, and what is the best way? In a world of increasingly centralized news reporting, lawmakers are more and more concerned about freelanced journalists, who with the help of cheap technology, broadcast their information and researches out into the world without any restrictions and censorship. This whole ‘concern’, governments say, has no other aim but to ‘regulate’ the ‘professional’ output of journalism, to satisfy the high standards set by the ‘consumer’ of those reports. Well, as we all know too well, those kinds of regulations serve to protect the leadership of...
Read MoreDiscipline Not Drudgery
Written by Paul Kowalewski Photo: Pixabay Discipline Not Drudgery by Paul Kowalewski Yesterday, I had an online conversation with someone responding to one of my posts. She was very discouraged because her daily meditation period of 15 minutes every morning had become quite dull and even oppressive for her. With her other work, family and social obligations, she was finding it hard to “get in” those 15 minutes every morning. I suggested to her that maybe her problem was that she was trying to “put in her time,” as opposed to embracing the possibilities of what her meditation might offer her. Many people engage in various forms of spiritual discipline – especially now at the beginning of the year, many people often resolve to enhance and develop their own spiritual lives. Whether you are religious or not, all spiritual...
Read MoreConspiracy Theorist vs. Coincidence Theorist and The Importance of Alternative Media
Visuals by Stanka / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić Photo: Pixabay The impact and significance of alternative media continues to grow every day. Critics from the mainstream like to discard it as an outlet for conspiracy theories and amateur journalism. Is it really this simple? Or is the mainstream media becoming aware of this fast-growing underground movement that seems to start threatening their very existence? What is conspiracy and what is coincidence? And which alternative media project is the boldest so far? Conspiracy Theorist vs. Coincidence Theorist and The Importance of Alternative Media by Alen Mischael Vukelić I’ve had great difficulties to start writing this article, having in mind all the accusations and misunderstandings which might result from it. After a couple of days, I finally have the right mindset and vocabulary to put this thing into...
Read MoreA look back at my predictions for 2013 and a look forward
Republished with kind permission from The International Forecaster / written by James Corbett / Introduction by Alen Mischael Vukelić Photo: Pixabay/ Although we’ve already marched into 2014, we will republish this article from The International Forecaster written by James Corbett in which he looks back at his predictions for 2013 and gives us his political, economic, and social predictions for 2014. Maybe his forecasts may sound too bold sometimes, but bold enough to wake you out of your slumber! A look back at my predictions for 2013 and a look forward December 21 2013: My Eurozone prediction was off, however. Not only did the EUpocalypse not reach a crescendo this year, but things went unusually quiet in the summer months as the Euro crisis was put on hold for the German election cycle. Things do seem to...
Read MoreHistoric deep freeze across North America proves global warming is getting worse, right?
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Photo: Pixabay/ Historic deep freeze across North America conclusively proves global warming is getting worse, right? by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Global warming is getting worse. It’s so bad now that it has thrust most of North America into an historic deep freeze with plummeting temperatures that haven’t been seen in decades. This is absolute proof that global warming is worsening, and the way I know that is because the same people who told me that record HOT temperature last summer were caused by global warming — “See? It’s really, really hot!” — are now saying that record COLD temperatures are also caused by global warming. “See? It’s really, really cold!” Global warming, in other words, is climate voodoo. Worshippers of the false science can invoke it to explain...
Read MoreInspiring Short Clip on Free Will and Human Dignity: A Love Story
Inspiring Short Clip on Free Will and Human Dignity: A Love Story by Don’t forget to follow us on Google+, Twitter, or via RSS feed, or by simply subscribing to our newsletter at the end of this page! ...
Read MoreSurprise Me
Written by Paul Kowalewski Is there a ‘quick-fix’ for mindfulness in a frantic world? Surprise Me by Paul Kowalewski For the past few days, “” has been promoting a series of books to be read for the New Year. I was especially struck by the title of one particular “New Year” book: “Mindfulness: An Eight Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World.” The book promotes a plan for a daily 10 minute meditation, and the author promises that at the end of the 8 week period, “you’ll be amazed at how these techniques will have you enjoying life again.” As 2014 dawns upon the world today, I am sure that people everywhere are engaging in all sorts of plans and employing a wide array of “quick-fix” techniques for finding deep peace and serenity in a...
Read MoreGlobal End of Year Survey: After US, Pakistan considered biggest threat to world peace
By The Express Tribune / International New York Times By The Express Tribune / International New York Times In a 2013 global survey conducted by Worldwide Independent Network/Gallup, the public perception of United States saved Pakistan the embarrassment of being labeled the biggest threat to world peace today. 24% of the world believes America represents the biggest threat to peace. In comparison, only 8% believe it is Pakistan, which is closely followed by neighbours China (6%), and Afghanistan (5%) and Iran (5%). READ MORE ...
Read MoreThe power of the subconscious mind
The power of the subconscious mind Gregg Braden will get you in the right mood for this new year. He is going to share with you how the power of your subconscious mind can direct your life in any direction you want – you just have to know how to do it. Find out how. Happy New Year. Please let us know what you think, and leave a comment below! And don’t forget to follow us on Google+, Twitter, or via RSS feed, or by simply subscribing to our newsletter at the end of this page! ...
Read MoreChildhood Memories
By Paul Kowalewski Photo: Pixabay Childhood Memories by Paul Kowalewski Yesterday, as I listened to a radio broadcast of people telling stories of their holiday memories, I immediately called to mind a time when I was about 6 or 7 years old. We were living on a farm just outside a little hamlet located in a very rural area of New York State. In the center of town, there were two churches, a one-room schoolhouse, a bar, and a store. Yesterday, my Christmastime childhood memory was about the store in the center of that little town. It was an amazing place to a child of six. It was immense – a place where you could buy all sorts of wonderful things, everything imaginable. The store was chuck full of farm equipment, tools, groceries, school supplies, seeds, clothes – you...
Read MoreThe Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus
By Dana Larsen The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus Modern Christmas traditions are based on ancient mushroom-using shamans. By Dana Larsen Although most people see Christmas as a Christian holiday, many of the symbols and icons we associate with Christmas celebrations are actually derived from the shamanistic traditions of the tribal peoples of pre-Christian Northern Europe. The sacred mushroom of these people was the red and white amanita muscaria mushroom, also known as “fly agaric.” These mushrooms are now commonly seen in books of fairy tales, and are usually associated with magic and fairies. This is because they contain potent hallucinogenic compounds, and were used by ancient peoples for insight and transcendental experiences. Most of the major elements of the modern Christmas celebration, such as Santa Claus, Christmas trees, magical reindeer and the giving of gifts, are originally...
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