Everything is Emptiness
Written by Paul Kowalewski Photo: Pixabay Everything is Emptiness by Paul Kowalewski In the English language, the word “emptiness” has a very negative connotation. An empty bank account, empty refrigerator or empty stomach – hardly something to be desired. When people say they feel empty, they are usually referring to some void in their life. There is a feeling of emptiness when you are lonely or when you feel unloved, injured, or abandoned. Our first response to “emptiness” is to rush in to fill up the void, to replenish what is missing. When people feel empty, they may seek companionship, or maybe look for a new boyfriend, or maybe just eat and drink a lot, often to excess – anything to fill the void. Emptiness is a bad feeling. But even when life seems pretty full, when the bank...
Read MoreWhen You Don’t Win
Written by Paul Kowalewski Photo: Stock.Xchng When You Don’t Win by Paul Kowalewski Yesterday I was in Los Angeles to make a presentation, and so we stayed overnight in the city. Just a few blocks from our hotel a host of glittering celebrities were hovering around, walking the “red carpet” and hoping to be one of the lucky recipients of a coveted “Oscar.” While there were many excited winners last night, most of those people who walked that red carpet ended the evening disappointed and empty-handed. So the question I ask is what happens when you don’t win–not just on an Oscar night, but in life? What happens when you don’t win in life? We are a very competitive society (at least this is true in Western culture) and the goal of competition is always to win. And so...
Read MoreIs Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake? – 6 Examples of Media Manipulation
Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer / Waking Times Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake? – 6 Examples of Media Manipulation Sigmund Fraud, Waking Times The world of television and modern media has become a tool of de-evolution, propaganda and social control. Since the reign of Edward Bernays and the rise of the Tavistock Institute in the early 20th century, nearly unlimited resources have been applied to understanding how to manipulate the human psyche through television and other forms of mass media. What we have today is an increasingly sophisticated full-spectrum assault on free will and psychological well-being, and we have come to a point where it is no longer even necessary for media institutions to attempt to hide their blatant work of manipulating public opinion, manufacturing consent, and creating winners and losers in the minds of the already...
Read MoreEven Greater Than Love
Written by Paul Kowalewski Photo: Pixabay This week’s article is about trust – another gem – thank you Paul. Even Greater Than Love by Paul Kowalewski Yesterday I had a very difficult conversation with a good friend who was feeling pretty low because someone he trusted a great deal “threw him under the bus.” The betrayal of trust was extremely disheartening and a source of intense pain for him. Yesterday’s conversation got me thinking about the nature of “trust” among us human beings. I came across a quote from the 17th century Scottish poet, George McDonald: To be trusted is an even greater compliment than to be loved The more I think about it, I actually do believe that “trust” is much more powerful than “love.” In a famous line from his play, “All’s Well That Ends Well,”...
Read MoreHappiness
Be happy for no reason, like a child. If you are happy for a reason, you’re in trouble. Because that reason can be taken from you. ...
Read MoreThinking Is Dangerous
Osho / Waking Times Photo: Pixabay/organictalks.com Thinking Is Dangerous Osho Waking Times Thoughts are always subversive. Only people who do not think are not subversive. Thinking is a crime. Jesus is crucified, Socrates is poisoned, Gautam Buddha is stoned. These people have not harmed anybody. They were the most loving, most compassionate human beings possible — but they committed a crime, and the crime’s name is thinking. No society wants any of its members to think. Thinking is dangerous. The society wants robots who simply do whatever is told to them, who cannot say no — that is impossible for them. They are machines. It is not accidental that every developed society is replacing man by machines. Machines are obedient, never subversive. Have you ever heard of any machine being a revolutionary or a rebel? It has not happened...
Read MoreYou Are The Battlefield
Written by Zen Gardner / Video and voice by Snordster Photo: Stanka Vukelić Anyone considered with a conscious life or the process of awakening to one’s true nature will have great joy listening to the words by Zen Gardner spoken by Snordster. You Are The Battlefield You Are The Battlefield by Zen Gardner There’s no looking for crowd validation. There’s no waiting for outside redemption. There’s no collective bargaining to rely on. The awakening is you. Only you. That’s what all this ruckus is about. The battle for your spirit and soul. And that’s the boat each of us is in. There is nothing more important in this life for you, or me, than waking up. Once that’s straightened out the rest will follow. How we perceive the world around us creates and reinforces the...
Read MoreIt’s all faked – even death
Visuals by Stanka / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić Photo: 1.Stock.Xchng/2.Pixabay It’s all faked – even death Sometimes I wish I had the perception of a 5-year-old. I still have a vivid memory of that state, in which everything that happens is more or less just a phenomenon – nothing really to be concerned about. When I look at it now, I see how liberating it is to be without any opinions or concepts – I’m just there, a witness, monitoring every movement, every action without attaching any specific meaning to it. Good mood or bad mood I can still see the people in my head, having fierce, loud debates on topics, I didn’t know anything about. However, the laughter, the anger, I can remember, because those are emotions, and for understanding emotions, you don’t need to have...
Read MoreDoes Humanity Even Want Freedom?
Zen Gardner, Guest / Waking Times Photo: Stock.Xchng Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times The most precious gift given to humanity besides its very existence and innate connectivity to universal Source is the gift of free will. We can choose. We ultimately have the power to make decisions for ourselves. Unfortunately this concept is buried under the rubble of ignorance and social engineering and of course becomes a very complex matter as life’s input and experiences complicate our entire decision-making process. And freedom and free will? They’re generally relegated to philosophical treatises and ideological tugs of war in the political arena. Nicely sectored off to where they can’t touch our consciousness and every day living. Many argue that in today’s circumstance we are not free to make our own decisions, that in effect we often don’t even have free will...
Read MoreThe State is a Parasite on Society
This might sound too harsh for some people, but when you take a closer look at it; you’ll see that there’s much, much truth in it: “The state forbids murder, yet organizes murder on a colossal scale. The state punishes theft, yet engages in the rampant looting of society’s productivity through taxation at the barrel of a gun. The state is not necessary for the survival of society, the state is a parasite on society. The state is the ultimate anti-social, anti-society entity ever visited upon humanity.” Here’s the video: Please leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow us for more articles and videos on Google+, Twitter, via RSS feed, or by simply subscribing to our newsletter at the end of this page! ...
Read More4 Things the ‘Powers-That-Be’ Don’t Want You to Know About Anarchy
Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer / Waking Times Photo: Pixabay Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer Waking Times “None are more enslaved than those who believe they are free.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe There are few subjects as controversial and taboo as the concept of anarchy. It mostly leaves a bad taste in people’s mouth due in no small part to years of psychological conditioning, backwards reasoning, and smoke & mirror political propaganda. But, as Voltaire ingeniously suggested, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” By explaining what anarchy truly is, we indirectly end up criticizing the powers-that-be, revealing the emperor is not only naked, but insecure and weak at the prospect of free men and women. Here then are four things the powers-that-be don’t want you to know about...
Read MoreSimplicity
Written by Paul Kowalewski Photo: PublicDomainPictures Simplicity by Paul Kowalewski Last evening I thought I would turn on my TV set to see if there might be something I’d like to watch. We have satellite reception here – 700 channels catering to every imaginable entertainment desire and taste along with thousands of “On Demand” movies. In fact, there were so many choices that I didn’t even feel like scrolling through all the possibilities – action, adventure, drama, comedy, cooking, game shows, sports, 24 hour news? I thought maybe I’d just read a book instead. As I sat in front of the TV last night, a very amusing memory came into my mind. I don’t want to sound like I am “the old man from the mountain,” but when I was a young child, TV was just making its debut....
Read MoreHow to program someone to conform to the system by using mind control
Video by Max Igan / Introduction by Alen Mischael Vukelić Photo: Stock.Xchng How to program someone to conform to the system by using mind control Mind control, in a broader sense, is everything that is put into our being from sources who have the authority to govern us. Our parents, the school system, the church, and the different government structures; they all contribute the major portion to our future understanding of the world around us. This is the reason why it is also called programming, since the idea behind is to enable us to serve those very same structures in a way in which personal observation, and personal understanding are considered troublesome features of a personality. In contrast, conformity to existing thoughts, ideas, thesis, rules, regulations, and so on, enjoy great support and reward. Schools are a perfect example, showing...
Read MoreThe Matrix of Conformity – Top 9 Traps for Today’s Youth
Dylan Charles, Editor / Waking Times Photo: Stock.Xchng The Matrix of Conformity – Top 9 Traps for Today’s Youth Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times More than ever our world needs a new generation of youthful and caring people capable of comprehending the problems we face, while maintaining the clarity of mind and compassion needed to seek and find creative solutions to this morass. For this, our youth need to be healthy, energetic, and free from the myriad traps that our society offers today. Our young people should be given every opportunity to lead healthy, free, and prosperous lives in our earthly world of abundance, yet the opposite is unfortunately the case in these times, as government grows beyond control, our health is assaulted at every turn, and predatory schemes of all types target us to entrap us in...
Read MoreTender Hearts
Written by Paul Kowalewski Photo: Pixabay Tender Hearts by Paul Kowalewski Yesterday as I sat in the “waiting room” at my doctor’s office, I looked up at the elderly couple sitting across from me. They both appeared to be quite frail. Their faces were lined with age – probably in their 80’s or early 90’s. The man needed the assistance of a “walker” to get around. However, the thing I most noticed about that couple wasn’t their frailty or their age. What caught my attention was that as they sat together, they were holding hands. I couldn’t help but stare and smile witnessing that scene of such gentle affection. The woman saw me looking at them, and she returned my smile saying, “we’ve been married for 64 years and can you believe it, we still hold hands.” At...
Read MoreStop Dreaming, Accept ‘What is’, and Enter Your True Reality
Visuals by Stanka / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić Photo: Stock.Xchng Stop Dreaming, Accept ‘What is’, and Enter Your True Reality by Alen Mischael Vukelić Whatever path you choose, be it spiritual, scientific, non-spiritual, realistic, surrealistic, sooner or later, you ‘ll have to face it, that nothing turns out the way you want it to be. Can you do something about it – or should you just accept it? Should you keep swimming against the tide or turn around and go with the flow? Should you step out of it – all together – and stand alone for yourself? Acceptance can be really frustrating – and it’s the hardest thing to learn. Here is one typical instance how to practice acceptance: Want to become a hero? Call us. If you are a natural-born activist – someone who likes...
Read MoreOld Zen Story ‘May Be’
Traditional Photo: Stock.Xchng Old Zen Story ‘May Be’ An old Zen story once was told about using the terms “good” or “bad” to judge situations and events as they happen to us. Perhaps you’ve heard it before. The story is about a farmer whose horse ran away. When the neighbors heard the news, they said, “Such bad luck!” whereas the farmer replied, “may be.” The next day, the horse returned with three more wild horses, and the neighbors once again exclaimed, “How wonderful!”, and the farmer again said, “may be.” The following day, the farmer’s son rode one of the wild horses and was thrown off and broke his leg. The neighbors said, “How unfortunate!” and the farmer’s response was “may be.” Finally, the day after, the military was passing through to draft young men to the army....
Read MoreThe Hidden Energy of Space
Video Photo: Pixabay/organictalks.com The Hidden Energy of Space Paraphrased from Dr. Hal Puthoff: One of the discoveries of modern quantum theory is that so-called empty space isn’t really empty at all. It’s actually full of energy. This energy is basically electromagnetic in nature, and the density is so high, that it was believed – when it was discovered – it could stay only in the realm of mathematics. However, scientists now know that it is really there, and that it can ‘disturb’ or influence atoms. So atoms are not sitting in a void but in a sea of energy. Is it possible to tap that energy? Can we use it as an energy source? Would this energy allow to travel faster than light? Leave a comment below, ask a question, and don’t forget to follow us...
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