You Are The Battlefield
Written by Zen Gardner / Video and voice by Snordster
Photo: Stanka Vukelić
Anyone considered with a conscious life or the process of awakening to one’s true nature will have great joy listening to the words by Zen Gardner spoken by Snordster.
You Are The Battlefield
You Are The Battlefield
by Zen Gardner
There’s no looking for crowd validation. There’s no waiting for outside redemption. There’s no collective bargaining to rely on.
The awakening is you. Only you.
That’s what all this ruckus is about. The battle for your spirit and soul. And that’s the boat each of us is in. There is nothing more important in this life for you, or me, than waking up. Once that’s straightened out the rest will follow.
How we perceive the world around us creates and reinforces the world around us. Once we become conscious and aware that this existing matrix we’re witnessing is an arbitrary creation manipulated by power-crazed puppeteers, however you perceive them, that is when the change happens.
And the Universe will tell you what to do from there.
That’s what to respond to. Nothing else. That’s your job. That’s my job. Don’t shirk it when it happens.
Enjoy Your Earthly Suit, But Rediscover Who You Truly Are
Like me, you are sitting inside, or somewhat near anyway, the body you chose to be in. We’re looking through and freely operating these amazing biological machines on a fabulous planet. And, “Wow, there appears to be a whole lot of other beings like me walking around! Where am I? What am I here for? And what am I supposed to do?”
I know, jumped off the deep end there, but that’s exactly our predicament. And what immediately sets in once we arrive? As young children we have this abandon as we experience this incredible place and all its feelings, sights and sounds. We screech with delight, sing made up songs, swing our arms around wildly, and run in place. We just express!
Then what happens? We start to conform to what we’re seeing, as well as what we’re being told. We become more regimented and are herded into classrooms and categories. We start feeling social pressures and are then handed this fundamental doctrine of insecurity where fear and scarcity become our main drivers. Your purpose in life now is to “fit in and get a job” so you won’t run out of money or food. Your internal, conscious response? “This is strange. Everything’s a problem here. Sure didn’t feel that way when I arrived.”
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