Bad news, folks.
Visuals by Stanka / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić
Photos: Public domain pictures / Pixabay
Isn’t it what you are looking for? Something juicy? This is why you’ve clicked on this headline, to get bad news. Bad news guys, I don’t have them. It was a scam to test you, to see if you people really like to change or just switched from mainstream-bad-news-media to underground-bad-news-media.
The satisfaction for you stays the same – juicy bad news. To talk about horrific, terrifying, sometimes even disgusting news, this keeps you saturated. You think this is realistic, the real deal, but you are wrong; you are in the same mess as before.
The only difference is that you’ve put on some feather, to disguise it, and it’s looking pretty good. Now you can say that you got the real source, that you know what the mainstream doesn’t know – that makes you special, unique, rare.
Same product, different packaging
But have you really changed something – besides your news channel – have you started to pay attention to what you should change in yourself? Have you thrown out the old crap in your mind, that has been torturing you for decades? Are you still having this grimly all knowing look on your face, telling others how you ‘got’ the world, and they don’t?
Are you still having the same habits and procedures when you are brushing your teeth in the morning? Are you still falling on the same provocations from this ‘guy’ who is getting on your nerves for years? Do you still wish to hurt him sometimes?
Until there is this violence in you, you will stick to reading bad news. Bad news do not offer solutions; they reflect the society we live in. Do you need another conformation that the world is nuts? Stop reading this, go and read some real news, some realistic, juicy violence that will tell you how this world is. Finally, you will know.
Solutions (good news) are boring, because you actually have to do something; you have to change your habits, which means, you have to reprogram your mind; do you want to do that? Are you prepared for a radical change which will destroy all of your past delusions?
You think you are compassionate, because you are reading other people’s miseries? Are you? Or are you having a perverted satisfaction when reading those news? I don’t know; I’m just asking.
Do you really want to help those people? Then stop co-creating bad news by living the way you live. Stop feeding the monster who makes all of this possible.
Do you want real responsibility? Are you ready for it? Or is it easier to have a discussion among like-minded friends on how to change the world? Yeah, that’s true it’s far easier to change the world than yourself, you are right, far easier.
Looking stupid
To look at my own stupidities, bluntly, naked with this unshaved look into the mirror and to say: I’m part of this mess; I look like a complete idiot, but I have all the solutions for this world – just no one would listen. If everybody knew what I know, everything would be fine. We would all be happy, be living in peace.
You know all of that, but you have no idea how to stop hating yourself when you are doing the same mistakes all over again, the trillionth-ed time, cursing the hell out of you.
For this little thing, you have no solution; nothing helps; it’s endless, and you think you are stupid because of this, since on one hand, you know how to save the world from an economic meltdown, but you don’t know how to stop cursing this stupid neighbor who – after all – deserves to be punished, because he is an ignorant bastard who can be lucky that you are not considering other means to finally clarify things, which should have been clarified years ago!
Changing the rules
You are right, sometimes you run into somebody where you have no idea what to do, yet this is exactly the situation which could forward us the most, where we could learn everything in one instance, solve the situation like no one has before, but we don’t have the nerves; it’s easier this way, to do it like we’ve learned it, with anger, violence, hatred, and painful self-accusation; that’s the recipe, and it has never worked.
But when we know it didn’t work, why don’t we try differently? Why don’t we make a game out of it? Turn it into a project, an investigation? To try out different approaches, just to see if they work; what is there to lose, this current method doesn’t deliver anyway?
At least, you will have the satisfaction that such an endeavor brings; a satisfying, playful amusement that comes when trying something knew, where the results are unclear and exciting. You don’t know what is going to happen; there is the hidden possibility of success.
Good news, folks: Everybody can do it, but little are trying it. If you want to be special, do something what nobody does. Don’t look for bad news. Sail on a ship with no passengers and discover your true self on that journey.