The Answer to Common Core: Alternative Models of Education
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The Answer to Common Core: Alternative Models of Education
One does not have to scratch very deeply into the surface of pop culture to see that “schools” are nearly universally portrayed in our culture as boring, stultifying, prison-like environments where students have to struggle to maintain consciousness.
[…]There is no one set method for education. Every child is different; each will learn in their own way, respond to challenges and tasks in different manners; benefit from different approaches and different levels of outside input and self-direction.
But that is the real task of education; not teaching children to memorize names, dates and figures out of a textbook and regurgitate them on the test paper, but to understand who they are as individuals, what they can contribute to the world, and how to connect with those around them.
[…]For parents, teachers, school administrators and others who have a genuine concern about the Common Core approach to education, it is important to note that there are educational alternatives out there.
Alternatives that have nothing to do with larger school budgets, rewritten textbooks or biometric scanners in the classroom. Alternatives that are not funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or evaluated on a standardized testing regime that rewards rote memorization.
Alternatives that encourage children to become an active part of their own education, and shape their own course toward adulthood. But do the American public, or indeed the public of the world, have the courage to explore these alternatives, or will they lay down yet again and give in to the institutional inertia of the status quo?
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