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Visuals by Stanka / written by Alen Mischael Vukelić

truth, lies, free illustration, minority for truth, majority lies

Accuracy used in everyday conversation is interchangeable with how many lies are told or not. The density varies greatly from many to too many. Small inaccuracies are considered a slip of the tongue that can happen to everybody. Bigger inaccuracies can already be embarrassing, but not to everybody. People who are overdoing it or get caught are considered stupid. However, everybody agrees that nobody should be doing it; yet, every one is shocked if somebody did it to them.

Most people have heard of the problem – regarding inaccuracies – that are mentioned in outdated and hardly understandable holy books, but what is it that actually happens when you are not speaking the truth? – Besides your bad feeling, besides bad ethics. What happens to your sense of reality? What happens to the person you are telling the story to?

Whatever information you are getting; it will be a distorted one. Whatever action you will be taking, will probably have unhappy consequences for you or others. The fact is, that your reality is distorted and your action is based on wrong information.

So telling the truth is just something immensely practical and timesaving. The general opinion is right the opposite; believing that with lies, you make shortcuts to what you want to have or achieve.

Easy conclusion

Eternal truths stay out of fashion because they don’t come and go – and the best is: they are always practical and life-supporting. So – use them!


gandhi quote, truth, lie, free photo


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